Representing Industry Professionals 

Baty Otto Scheer’s lawyers work daily with professionals across multiple industries whose occupations require a license in order to perform the work they do. Maintaining a professional license is paramount to, for instance, an architect or real estate agent’s livelihood.  A professional liability claim puts the license in jeopardy, not to mention the financial impact that such a claim might also have.  We work with these professionals to manage the risks in their work preemptively and in the event a lawsuit is filed.

Those We Defend

Baty Otto Scheer’s professional liability lawyers represent accountants, insurance brokers, real estate agents, doctors, nurses and other medical-care providers, architects, and engineers, among others.  We generally defend these professionals against claims of malpractice; breach of contract; breach of fiduciary duty; or errors and omissions, including claims of negligence, misrepresentation, errors in design, and more.

For legal counsel in a professional liability matter, call Baty Otto Scheer.

Representative Experience

  • Obtained a defense verdict for two primary care physicians in a medical malpractice suit involving catastrophic infectious brain injury.
  • Obtained a defense verdict for a real estate agent in a suit alleging fraudulent and negligent nondisclosure of material defects in sale of residential premises.
  • Obtained a defense verdict on behalf of a nurse in a complex civil conspiracy suit by a fellow nurse alleging improper intervention for substance abuse.
  • Obtained a verdict for damages and injunctive relief against a tax lawyer after a week-long bench trial in Johnson County, Kansas.